Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Podcast

A new podcast hosted by Dr. Laura Markham, coming soon!

Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Laura Markham answers your parenting questions with the compassionate, kid-tested, evidence-based solutions that helped her become known as "America's Parenting Coach." With her trademark warmth and humor, Markham supports you to deepen your relationship with your child and become the best version of yourself that you can be. Each episode celebrates the hard work you do as a parent and gives you practical examples to help you raise happy, responsible, emotionally healthy kids. Less drama, more love, guaranteed. 

Want your parenting question answered on the podcast?

All questions will be considered for inclusion in upcoming episodes of the Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Podcast.

After recording your message, you will be asked for your name and email address. Dr. Laura may use your first name (but never your last name) when she answers your question on the air. If you prefer that she not use even your first name, no worries -- please just write the word Anonymous after your name on the form.

Your email address will be used if we need to contact you about your question, to send you notifications when Dr. Laura's podcast is live, and to send you Dr. Laura's free weekly parenting tips. Don't worry, there's an unsubscribe button in every email (but we think you'll love them!)

About the Podcast

Podcast: Peaceful Parent Happy Kids

Psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Laura Markham answers your parenting questions with the compassionate, kid-tested, evidence-based solutions that helped her become known as "America's Parenting Coach." With her trademark warmth and humor, Markham supports you to deepen your relationship with your child and become the best version of yourself that you can be. Each episode celebrates the hard work you do as a parent and gives you practical examples to help you raise happy, responsible, emotionally healthy kids. Less drama, more love, guaranteed.

About Laura Markham

Dr. Laura Markham creates Aha! moments for parents of kids from babies through teens. She trained as a Clinical Psychologist at Columbia University, but she's also a mom, so she understands kids -- and parents! And she translates proven science into the practical solutions you need for the family life you want.

Dr. Laura Markham is the author of three best-selling books:

The founding editor of, Dr. Laura Markham also serves as a parenting expert for many websites. She makes frequent TV and radio appearances and has been interviewed for thousands of articles by publications as diverse as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Real Simple, Newsday, Men's Health, Redbook and Parents Magazine. Over 140,000 parents subscribe to her weekly email.

Dr. Laura Markham's relationship-based parenting model, which she calls Peaceful Parenting, has helped thousands of families across the U.S. and Canada find compassionate, common-sense solutions to everything from separation anxiety and sleep problems to sass talk and cell phones. She lives in Brooklyn, New York and is the proud parent of two terrific young adults who were raised with Peaceful Parenting.

Dr. Laura Markham has been Featured In…

The Wall Street Journal
Men's Health