Your Emotionally Intelligent Toddler

The ability of a human being to manage his or her emotions in a healthy way will determine the quality of his life in a much more fundamental way than his IQ.

Here's how to give your toddler the foundation he needs »

Your Competent Toddler

Toddlers tantrum less and cooperate more when they feel more powerful. How can you help your toddler feel more powerful? Three key ways: Listen to her, Let her make decisions whenever possible, and give her the opportunity to experience competence.

Here's how to raise a competent child, right from the start »

Your Responsible Toddler

The bottom line is that kids will be responsible to the degree that we expect them to be. Here, ten everyday strategies guaranteed to increase your kids’ “response-ability” quotient, from toddlerhood on.

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Your Intelligent, Creative Toddler

Want to raise a child who's intellectually curious, creative, and excited about learning on every level -- for the long haul?

Here's how »

Your Socially Competent Toddler

From hitting friends to sharing toys, help your toddler learn social skills and make friends.

Here's how »

Helping Your Toddler Develop Positive Self Esteem

Step one of helping your child build healthy self esteem is a positive relationship with you, which creates a solid core of self-love, or stable internal happiness regardless of external events. Step two is helping him to actually accomplish things he can be proud of, whether it's learning to turn on the light switch or bringing home a terrific report card.

Here's how»